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Headache Clinic – November 13, 2019

One of the more common problems from which my patients seek relief is headaches. A bad headache can ruin your day! Chronic headache sufferers face a difficult choice: live with the headache or take pain relievers, which create their own problems in the body. Fortunately, acupuncture can often provide quick relief by adjusting the body back to its normal, healthy state.
Today a patient came in with a headache in her forehead and temples that she rated 7 out of 10, where 10 is the most pain she’s ever felt. Here at Healing Roots Acupuncture, we often find that using “press tacks” are very effective – no needles! A press tack looks like a little bandaid with a small bump enclosed in it. The bump presses against the point on the body that needs the help to allow energy to flow again. In this case, after applying a few presstacks to her hands, her headache migrated to the top of her head and the pain reduced from a 7 to a 4. After a few more press tacks, her headache was reduced to a 2. All of this relief was gained in a few minutes. We then did some NET on the remaining feeling in the headache, which reduced the pain to a zero. The patient left the office feeling pain free and ready to enjoy the day.

Zero pain is our goal at Healing Roots Acupuncture! Who do you know that could benefit from this treatment? If you or a loved one suffer from headaches, come see us. Relief can often be found quickly with lasting results.

Come to our Headache Clinic! Pass the Word!

Healing Roots Acupuncture is sponsoring a headache clinic, Wednesday, November 13 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm.

Please call to reserve your appointment. 617-549-5648

Treatment fee: $40.00. Pass this along to anyone who can benefit from this treatment.

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